We're goin' mudding'!
Assault Industries is headed east! We're hitting a couple of offroad events in TX and OK! First stock is Red Necks with Paychecks followed by Mud Nationals!

New on Youtube: Young Daredevil
If you're on social media, into off-road motorsport and have a pulse you probably has seen "that one video" of a 10 year old kid jumping his Polaris RZR over a canal... Welp, his name is Ruslan and he jumps, he drives, he drifts and he is one of our industries most talented up-and-comers!

Watch: Desert Thrash Promo // Instagram Cut
The Assault gang took a trip out to the Majave desert around Barstow / Calico Ghost Town to camp out for the weekend. Our friends DJ and Josh met us there to film a little offroad thrash session. We had a blast - Check out this 60 sec promo!